Symposium of Post-mysticism Sanae Kochiya ![]()
Deified Human of the Wind
Ability: Causing Miracles
A human being who came from the outside world. Extraordinarily, she has adjusted her life to Gensokyo. Although she is called a human being, in fact, she is also a God. An entity that became a God as a human being is called a Living God (Arahitogami). So, including Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya, there are three gods in total residing at Moriya Shrine. Although a divine spirit builds up strength through means of gathering faith, there aren't any humans that hold faith in her as long as I know. Hence, it is thought that her power as a god is weak.(*1) Her role in the Shrine seems to be that of gathering faith in the human village. She doesn't have any wariness towards human beings, and she would gain considerable popularity if she makes miracles(*2) happen as a human being. Her personality is a lot like an ordinary human, but sometimes she can seem out-of-place as well. Maybe it's because she's a human being from the outer world. She can be seen as dumb, and her sense of perception is quite different from that of humans in Gensokyo. 1: Probably this is resulting in the division of faith to the Moriya Shrine. 2: Miracles that are on the level of magic tricks.
The visitor from the outside world
Human beings from the outside world mostly end up getting eaten by youkai or get sent back to the outside world. However, examples of humans like her who come in to Gensokyo by their own will and settle down are rare. Upon that, she is a human being that is adjusting to Gensokyo. Unfortunately, she lacks in knowledge about the outside world(*3). I was not able to obtain anything about the state-of-the-art technology or new information about the outside world at that time. 3: According to her, "I'm telling you everyone's like this"
The miracles she brings forth
The ability of causing miracles is often confused with fortune. Miracles are strictly defined as the culmination of fortuity, and the result of such culmination is not limited to having only good results or bad results. It has nothing to do with good luck or bad luck. Recently there has been miracles such as that of frogs and tadpoles falling from the sky(*4), but that wasn't much of a good fortune. She claims that in order to cause a miracle she needs a long preparation time (spell casting). The length of preparation differs depending on the magnitude of the miracle. For a simple one she can cause it with one short spell cast, but to cause a miracle that reaches the level of calamity, she cannot cause one without days of casting the spell. To human beings that is somewhat an impractical length of time. 4: Miracle of Fafrotskies.
Because she is a human being there is no need for countermeasures. Although she isn't a dangerous human being, probably it isn't the best to hold blind faith in her.